A Conversation for The Heart of Gold


Post 1

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Welcome to the 'Heart of Gold' Conversation Forum on h2g2, specially created for those enjoying the Hitchhiker's section on the Cult TV site.

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Post 2


Hello. Wow I'm the first person to reply to this. Am I the last? smiley - sadface Hope not...

Terran smiley - earth

Save the best till last...

Post 3


You certainly aren't the last, because now i am!

This looked like the only entry on the heart of gold, admittedly i didn't do a very thourough search, but if i dont find one in the next few minutes, then I shall be writing one myself.

Does anyone else find that you can be really funny, but as soon as you want to write it down, you suddenly become the most insanely boring b*****d on the planet?

Oh well, Life goes on i suppose.smiley - biggrin

Save the best till last...

Post 4


Via A2642384 you will find more information.
The link does work (at least it did some minutes ago)

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