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Tippit is a very old and very fun party game.
You will need one small nut or glass marble. Knowledge of which is your left and which is your right is also a distinct advantage. Get everyone into two teams, it doesn't matter how many of you there are. Decide which team starts first. Then that team gathers round and decides (quietly) who will have the Tippit. Then everyone makes two fists - the Tippit is held secretly in one fist.

The other team decides who on their side will go first and it is basically then up to that person, without help from their team to work out where the Tippit is being held. Turns are taken to do the choosing in the team that is searching.

The team hiding the Tippit all hold their fists out on their laps in full view.

The person who is trying to find the Tippit can give only three kinds of orders.

"Take your left/right hand away - (name)" - in which case the person named opens the hand mentioned and then puts the hand by their side, open so obviously out of the choices.

"Take both your hands away (name)" - for if they are REALLY sure that person hasn't got it.

Or - if they think they can guess where the Tippit is - "Tippit in your left/right (name)". In which case the fist mentioned has to be opened to reveal the Tippit - or not!

If the Tippit is revealed after a "Take away..." order, then the team with the Tippit has won and they get to hide the Tippit amongst themselves again.

If the Tippit is revealed in a "Tippit in..." order then the team searching for the Tippit have won and they get to hide it.

If the "Tippit in..." order is given and the Tippit is NOT in the fist mentioned, then the searcher has lost and the team with the Tippit get to hide it over again - having by now revealed who really had it all along.

The point is that the team with the Tippit wants to make the searcher guess the wrong fist.

It gets quite tactical in that some people are really good at looking guilty - as if they have the Tippit when they don't! Others are good at really looking into the eyes of the person they suspect and working out if they are hiding anything. Some are also good at making their hands look as if there is something in them when there isn't!

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