A Conversation for Platypus Dancing

Growing younger by Healthy practices

Post 1


In 1989, I was going downhill at age 57 and getting Cataracts as well. I re-discovered an ancient CHINESE "Tea of the Gods" or "Shen(g) Tsche" other wise kown as Dr Kombu's Cha in Korea or "Ti-Kvass" in Russia.
Other verious names elsewhere indicating a "brewing" process. I also re-discovered an herbal grown in South America that held promise of amenuesis to my problems; sic: "Yerba Mate' In its dried form it is an amazing neutritional item. This I added to the much lauded Sheng) Tsche ( circa 2000 BC) and voila, a cure for the metabolism of Calcium ergo re-vitalizing the criticl "Kreb;s Cycle" in the HUMAN body and the
revitalization of the Mitochondrial cycles that are each seven yrs apart. AS in: at age 28, Humans reach thhe end of early adulthood and the cure begins to delve downward past age 35. At age 42, in today's world of mal-neutritionm, Meno and andro-pauses become evident! I earlier times when the USA was LESS drained by WORLD conditions and had a better and more breathable atmosphere , we actually lived LONGER! In todays Polluted World, earlier meno and andro-pausal conditions are becoming plethoric!
AGING is now a disease rather than a natural process??
should anyone be interested in a possible way to reverse aging as well as regain TRUE health by learning HOW to eat as well as use a wonderful product the you yourselves can easily make..I'll be happy to supply BOTH at no cost other than possible shipping?? This is NOT SPAM but a true opportunity that I myself have learned the HARD way by eing stricken with Cataracts, etc and being able to find a way to prevent a return after having has Ocular implat surgery wjich is normally merely a "STOP GAP" procedure that lasts only about 5 yrs. Mine were doe over 15 yrs ago and my eyes still are 20/20! "[email protected]" is my personal e-mail should anyone wish to see the REST of the story! Sincerely B-0b1 ( Dr. RMcCarty, Ph.D )

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Growing younger by Healthy practices

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