Whooping Cough - Bordtella Pertussis
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
What is it?
An infection of the respiratory tract more commonly affecting babies and young children. In the later stages of infection it causes sudden coughing attacks often ending with a whooping sound as the sufferer tries desparately to breathe, often accompanied by vomiting and retching.
The infection in its early stages is very similar to a cold, it is often only when the coughing attacks develop a week or so later that the infection is accurately diagnosed. Attacks can vary in severity and the disease take up to 13 weeks to run its course.
Adults normally only have the repeated coughing attacks, without the whooping, which may be followed by vomiting. In between attacks adults feel pretty well in this later stage of the infection.
Early Stage:- Runny nose
- Slight fever
- Dry Cough
- Sore Eyes
Later Stage:
- Violent coughing attacks ending with a whooping sound.
- Vomiting or retching
What Causes it?
Whoopimg cough is caused by the bacterium Bordtella Pertussis and is spread in droplets during coughing and sneezing and takes up to two weeks to incubate. It is highly contagious and occured in epidemics until the 1950's when immunisation was introduced. Epidemics recurred in the 1980's possibly due to fewer people having their children immunised.
Diagnosis and Treatment?
Whooping cough can be diagnosed by taking a swab from the back of the nose, but due to the similarity of the initial symptoms to those of a cold it is more normally diagnosed later when the symptoms are more easily recognised.
There is no specific treatment for fully developed whooping cough, antibiotics are not normally effective though they may be prescribed in an attempt to prevent secondary infections. Hospital treatment is only rarely needed.
Anyone with whooping cough should be kept away from other people as much as possible to minimize the risk of spreading the infection.
The main method of prevention is mass immunisation which begins when children are two months old. The pertussis vaccine is normally given together with diphtheria and tetanus (DTP or DTaP).
There has been concern about serious neurologic side effects from the vaccine itself causing large numbers of parents to avoid immunising their children. Many authorities believe the vaccine is safe, some disagree.
Is whooping cough dangerous?
In severe cases and in susceptible children it is potentially dangerous as it can lead to complications such as pneumonia, pneumothorax1 or bronchiectasis2.
In rare cases a coughing attack can cause temporary apnoea, where the baby or child is unable to breathe an is deprived of oxygen. A rare but very serious complication is encephalitis3.
As with many diseases severity varies enormously and many children with mild cases of whooping cough do not feel ill between attacks of coughing.