A Conversation for Altai-Hangai - Gone with the Wind


Post 1

Researcher 212154

Just found the piece on the Mongolian music. Myself and my now finance listened to that amazing group of musicians just before my boyfriend proposed to me just in front of the Riyksmuseum, Amsterdam! I was so sorry I didn't get a copy of the cd at the time. Do you know where I'd get it?? It would be great to get it before Christmas!!!


Post 2


Sorry it has taken so long to reply, I hope you are still around smiley - smiley Well, congratulations on your engagement (if it recent enough to still recieve congratulations) other than from the band (where I got mine) a quick google search shows a couple of places which sell them smiley - smiley Just search on 'altai hangai'. Sorry it is not in time for crimble, but hope it helps smiley - smiley Until later....
BCNU - Crescent


Post 3

Researcher 212154

Hi again,
Thankyou very much for the reply and the congrats. I just recieved the cd in the post from a web site based in US. I listened to it and it brought me back again.....very strange/captivating music. I'll wait 'til St Valentines day to give it to my other half....who says romance is gone!!!??? Thanks again, Mongolian music fan from Ireland.


Post 4


That will be a great Valentines gift smiley - smiley Warning - I found it addictive, I now have three albums, and have started to learn the overtone throatsinging smiley - smiley Glad to help (well, I didnae really do anything smiley - smiley), need anything else then just yell smiley - smiley Until later...
BCNU - Crescent

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