A Conversation for Just for Fun

here's a tip

Post 1


you can add the subject line you want to the mailto link as follows:
"mailto:[email protected]?subject=JUST%20FOR%20FUN"
this will automatically insert 'JUST FOR FUN' where the feature is supported, and will cause no harm where its not supported.
You can change the value of the subject line, just remember that in the link tag, use URL-ENCODED format which means, no special characters allowed. Each special character has its URL-ENCODED equivalent for eg: a space cannot be typed in and has to be written as '%20'.
Hope this is of some use to you.

here's a tip

Post 2


Hi dchop..
Thankyou very much for the tip... next weeks Just For Fun has already been sent in... but I will try your suggestion in the following weeks article...

Hugs.. Greebs... xx

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