A Conversation for Staff Canteen

Zach's Order...

Post 1

Zach Garland

I world likc a surving of spotted dick wuth some kidrey puddint please. And please let me swell the wine cock so I knou it's a gocd year.

Zach's Order...

Post 2

Zach Garland

Oops. Sorry. Turned off my spell checker. Let me try that again:

"I world like a serving of spotted duck with some kidney pudding please. And please let me smell the wine cork so I know it's a good yeast infection."

There. That's much better.

Zach's Order...

Post 3


Do you want custard with that? Sniff. Wipes nose with back of hand.

Zach's Order...

Post 4

Zach Garland

Ooh! That looks good! Can I have some of that? [grabs Peta's arm and licks the back of Peta's hand] Mmmm!! Yummy!

Zach's Order...

Post 5


Oi don't get fresh with me laddie. Raps Zachs knuckles with her ladle. So you do want custard or not? smiley - bigeyes Come on I haven't got all day! Taps foot impatiently.

Zach's Order...

Post 6

Zach Garland

Sure, custard sounds nice, but only if you promise to rap my knuckles with your ladle again. Ooh! Hurts so good!

Zach's Order...

Post 7


Right. Just for that I am going to put extra custard on your Spotted Dick.

Zach's Order...

Post 8

Zach Garland

Ahh... you're a waitress after my own appetite! There's a Peta. Extra coostard on that spotted dick.

Sorry. I have a cold.

Zach's Order...

Post 9


Do you know what spotted dick actually is?

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