
3 Conversations

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Photography is the art or process of making images from reflected light (usually in the visible spectrum), by the use of photosensitive surfaces (e.g. as film, CCDs etc.).

This page will hopefully be divided to 3 pages.
1. I want to buy a camera, what should I pick?
2. I have a camera, what can I do with it?
3. I want to know more about photography.

1: I will not mention brands, but more what price range(I know US and Israeli standards only, but will add others if I'm told.) and for what uses the camera is. and will suggest the camera type I think is right (digital, SLR...)

2: How to shoot in different enviorments, How to make special effects using non proffesional and proffesional cameras...

3: Aperture, focusing, Macro Shooting, Flash Types, Double Exposure and other photography schooling issues.

This page probably won't cover:
1. How do I develop fim and print it in my darkroom?
2. Why isn't my camera working like it should? (change the batteries)
3. What is the meaning to life the universe and everything.

In the making I will write everything here, and also, it will not be in a correct order, nor in GuideML. Just a bunch of babbles about photography.

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