The Meaning of Life

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Many people ask the question 'What is the Meaning of Life'. This guide entry will enlighten those amongst us who have not yet fully answered this question.

A Short Tale...

There was once a man who could not work out the Meaning of Life. He spoke to his friends who suggested that he visited the old man in the mountains, for he was said to be the wisest man in the world. The man took there advice and walked up the long path to the old man's mountain hut. When he arrived he found the old man in his garden with an axe. He was chopping up firewood. He stopped and looked at the man, expectantly. The man then said,
"Can you tell me what the Meaning of Life is?"
The old man smiled and said,
"Come back in 10 years time and I will tell you."
So the man went away and led a normal life, but he still kept thinking about going back to the old man. After 10 years had passed the man returned to the old man. The old man was outside in his garden chopping firewood. He stopped and looked at the man, expectantly. The man reiterated what he had previousaly said,
"Can you tell me what the Meaning of Life is?"
The old man again told him to come back in 10 years time. Another 10 years passed and the man returned. The old man was again in his garden chopping firewood. He looked at the man, expectantly. The man asked for a third time,
"Can you tell me what the Meaning of Life is?"
This time the old man said only three words,
"I chop wood"
Then he went inside.

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