A Small, And Very Partial, List Of My Spells

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It has come to my attention throughout my adventure threads that I may be playing by bent rules. Most characters have thoughtfull provided complete lists of their powers and abilities, so I think it only fair for me to do the same.

Most of my abilities lie in the fictitious spells that I use, most of which are borrowed from video games1. I'll categorize my spells by game and by spell type2. Well, here goes.

Primary Spells: Zork

These spells are all from the Zork universe of games. Ah, Zork, the best darn computer game of all time....3

Bittyjoo-Makes lies undetectable (and chocolate to vaporize)

Krak-Drastically slows time (may cause disorientation)

Nikmo-Creates the urge to initiate a temporary relationship

Boor***uil-Something about toothless creatures

Loktar-Causes temporal distention

Paxten-Slows productivity through confusion

ghelooh-Suspends subject in a gelatinous substance

Dabhhu-Ensures complete obedience of subject (lasts one hour)

Koaasst-Plays soothing, ambient music

Zugthug-Automatically corrects spelling erros

Kepmkomn-Causes massive destruction to specified edifices

Aimfiz-Teleport caster to someone's location

Bayala-Bodily deformation

Beburtt-Create the illusion of inclement weather

Blorb-Safely protect a small object as though in a strong box

Blorple-Explore an object's mystic connections

Booznik-Reverses spells in spellbook4

Borch-Puts insects to sleep

Bozbar-Causes an animal to sprout wings

Caskly-Causes perfection

Cleesh-Change a creature into a small amphibian5

Conbak-Build strong bodies 12 different ways

Drilbo-Strips a floor of yellowed wax

Espnis-Causes sleep

Exex-Makes things move faster

Faift-Change appearance to look younger

Filfre-Display gratuitous fireworks

Fizmo-Cause stopped-up pipes to unclog

Foblub-Glue audience to seats

Fripple-Erect a magic barrier around a town

Frotz-Cause an object to give off light

Fweep-Turn caster into a bat


Girgol-Stops Time

Gizgum-Predicts visits by relatives

Glorf-Unties knots

Gloth-Fold dough 83 times

Gnusto-Copies spells into a spellbook

Golgatem-Create a bridge over a body of water

Golmac-Travel temporally

Gondar-Extinguish fire


Guncho-Banish someone to another plane of existence

Igram-Make purple things invisible

Imali-Worsen Eyesight


Jindak-Detects magic

Kendall-Makes instructions less complex

Krebf-Repair willful damage

Kulcad-Dispel a magic spell

Lesoch-Cause a gust of wind6
Lexdum-Creates lock and key for a door

Liskon-Causes living things to shrink

Lobal-Sharpen hearing

Malyon-Bring life to inanimate objects

Meef-Wilt plants

Melbor-Protect magic user from harm by evil beings

Musdex-Bodily Deformation7

Narwile-Opens time tunnels

Nerzo-Balance checkbook

Nitfol-Converse with beasts

Nonav-Navigation and boat-guiding aid

Obidil-Makes caster more attractive to target creature


Otsung-Erase spell written in book with Gnusto

Ozmoo-Circumvent death

Pulver-Dries liquid

Quelbo-Transmutes coconuts to gold

Rezrov-Opens even locked or enchanted objects

Snavig-Shape change

Stegaw-Turn eggs into ripe guano

Swanzo-Exorcise an inhabiting presence

Throck-Causes plants to grow

Tinsot-Freezes water

Tossio-Turns granite to fettucini

Umboz-Obviate need for dusting

Urbzig-Turn a dangerous object into a harmless one

Vardik-Mind shield

Vaxum-Make a hostile creature your friend

Vezza-View future

Voxam-Seperate the energies of different magics

Yastard-Send spirit essence through Time Tunnel


Yomin-Mind probe

Yonk-Increases the powers of certain spells

Yozozo-Turns target into a mallard8

Yumzo-Destroy a mongoose

Zemdor-Turn original into triplicate

Zifmia-Magically summon a being

Zikkle-Makes invisible things appear

Zimbor-Turn one really big city into lots of tiny, litte ashes

Zimdor-Triplicates amount of intoxicating beverage

Zooka-Turn eggs into overripe cabbage

More to come!

As time passes, more will be added, and will eventually hold info on my wand, other various weapons, potions, and physical attributes. Stay tuned!

1You heard me, video games.2If applicable.3I mean that, don't even try to argue with me. I will remain unconvinced of your points.4Only usable on Zork spells5Doesn't work on reptiles or amphibians.6VERY DANGEROUS!7Yes, I know I've got two different spells that do the same thing. Just trust me: there's a difference.8Can dispell itself.
1You heard me, video games.2If applicable.3I mean that, don't even try to argue with me. I will remain unconvinced of your points.4Only usable on Zork spells5Doesn't work on reptiles or amphibians.6VERY DANGEROUS!7Yes, I know I've got two different spells that do the same thing. Just trust me: there's a difference.8Can dispell itself.

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