A Conversation for Milkcaps - "The game you collect"

A558470 - Milkcaps-"The game you collect"

Post 1

Arthur Dent


Its all about Pogs a once big craze in the mid 1990s which i played in school before it was banned (see the entry) it describes the origins of the game how it was revived in the 1990s and some terms used by players of the game, have fun reading.

A558470 - Milkcaps-"The game you collect"

Post 2

Researcher 168963

Oh the memories! This is a great article, but, to be pedantic, the way the headers were squished right up to the text was annoying. But the editors would probably sort that out.

I loved pogs. They lasted quite a while at my school (this was when they came round in the '90s) before we all got called into assembly and instructed not to bring them in or they would be confiscated. For good.

A few typos (I don't mean to nitpick):
Parag 1;
now a days - I think this would be now-a-days but I'm not sure.
Parag 2;
-sacking-this would be stacking (unless I wasn't playing it right)
-'There were several different versions that people play'- this would either be 'there are...' or '...that people played', I think. Not sure though. I could have misread it.
Parag 5:
-'There are two types of POG available from the WPF the designer POGs and the classic POGs'- I would have put a comma or a semicolon after WPF.

The glossary was great!

A558470 - Milkcaps-"The game you collect"

Post 3

Arthur Dent

Thanks i have made the changes you suggested gald you liked it

A558470 - Milkcaps-"The game you collect"

Post 4

Arthur Dent

Hello has anyone else read this yet?

A558470 - Milkcaps-"The game you collect"

Post 5

Arthur Dent

Hello are the any scouts out there, what does everyone else think. Or am I the only one who remebers pogs?

A558470 - Milkcaps-"The game you collect"

Post 6

Mr. Cogito


I'm here. Looking things over. It's good. smiley - smiley I always wondered what those things were, and now I know.


A558470 - Milkcaps-"The game you collect"

Post 7

Arthur Dent


A558470 - Milkcaps-"The game you collect"

Post 8

Frankie Roberto

Great article on something I can relate to. My perspective is slightly different though in that my school (being poorer) wasn't so in to the 'official' side of it (the rules, the federation, etc..), so using the 'wannabees' was acceptable (apart from some stickers). It also became common for people to make their own slammers, or to introduce really think chunky ones.

I hadn't know about the milktop origin at all - we all thought it was a brand new game. And yes it got banned in our school too.

My only comment as far as the article goes is to add a mention of the variation which came in a particular brand of crisps (forgot which) called, I think, "tago's". They were plastic, had looney toones on them, and 6 slits around the edges so you could make sculptures with them, which was quite cool.

Is there an entry on Crazes (or any other crazes) you can link to?

A558470 - Milkcaps-"The game you collect"

Post 9

Researcher 168963

Tazos-named after Taz smiley - smiley

A558470 - Milkcaps-"The game you collect"

Post 10

Frankie Roberto

I have a terrible memory smiley - smiley

A558470 - Milkcaps-"The game you collect"

Post 11

Arthur Dent

Yes the tazos came with "Walkers" there are doing POKEmon ones now with out the slits.

A558470 - Milkcaps-"The game you collect"

Post 12

Arthur Dent

I colud only find the fads link.

A558470 - Milkcaps-"The game you collect"

Post 13

Zak T Duck

Great news. Your entry has been recommended for the Edited Guide. Congratulations. This thread will shortly move out of the Peer Review, and start on the next step towards the front page. You'll be contacted by email once it finally makes it there, but please be patient as there is a bit of a queue.

Congratulations again smiley - smiley

Thread Moved

Post 14

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