A Conversation for Th answer to all problems
msmonsy Started conversation Aug 23, 1999
but if all things are equal then wouldn't they both be the simplest answer and if they are both the simplest answer then how do you know which one is right and which one is wrong????
Ginger The Feisty Posted Aug 24, 1999
Certainly more than my little brain can cope with. I'll stick to vodka being the answer to all problems!
msmonsy Posted Aug 24, 1999
wodka??!!,speaking of which *glug,glug*..care for some???...our little writer here seems to of forgotten of this little page of his so the way i see it is he should not mind if we borrow it for a bit
Ginger The Feisty Posted Aug 24, 1999
I'd love one or maybe even more! It's been one of those kind of months - every time Doug Dastardly and I get together one of us fals ill or the parents get in the way!
Stump.7 Posted Aug 24, 1999
Well lookie here. Ihavn't been in this room in weeks and what do I find two lovilies. I have a drink but feel free to mix yourselves one.Now to answer some of your ?'s 2 parts vodka and 2 parts orange juice, all things being = the simplest explanation is right. A screwdriver!!
Ginger The Feisty Posted Aug 25, 1999
Slip a little grenadine in there and doesn't it become a harvey wallbanger or something? We thought we had escaped undetected!
msmonsy Posted Aug 25, 1999
i see we have been spyed .....well that is ok, the more the merrierr i always say
...i believe i will have a drink myself as i have been having one of those years
as for parents and falling ill, i know what you mean!!, at times it feels as if the gods are against you doesn't it??
Ginger The Feisty Posted Aug 25, 1999
Yeah but this weekend we are trying to fool fate by pretending we are not going to see each other, talk to each other etc! That way it might leave us alone to have a good time (and it's a holiday weekend!)
Stump.7 Posted Aug 25, 1999
ahhh, upon adding grenidine all things are no longer equal. Thus the answer changes.
msmonsy Posted Aug 25, 1999
Ginger, i wish you two a lovely weekend not seeing each other or speaking to each other .....as for stumps last posting,,,,,my head is beginning to hurt now so i think i will just curl up in a ball over there in that corner and sip manically on my bottle of warm fuzzy stuffs
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: msmonsy (Aug 23, 1999)
- 2: Ginger The Feisty (Aug 24, 1999)
- 3: msmonsy (Aug 24, 1999)
- 4: Ginger The Feisty (Aug 24, 1999)
- 5: msmonsy (Aug 24, 1999)
- 6: Ginger The Feisty (Aug 24, 1999)
- 7: Stump.7 (Aug 24, 1999)
- 8: Ginger The Feisty (Aug 25, 1999)
- 9: msmonsy (Aug 25, 1999)
- 10: Ginger The Feisty (Aug 25, 1999)
- 11: Stump.7 (Aug 25, 1999)
- 12: msmonsy (Aug 25, 1999)
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