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Hello Welcome to my personal space.
My conversations
A green dragon A bit about me
I was born in London, raised in Kent and Dorset. I now live in Essex (Yes i've heard all the Essex girl jokes)smiley - tongueoutA long-haired lady rising from a starlit lakeI work in a garden centre, which is not as nice as people believe. Its hard work, with little reward. It does however feed my addiction to plants. I guess you could call me a 'plantaholic' (I'm still waiting for someone to set up a help group)smiley - laugh I have a large garden, which takes up alot of my time. I've been rewarded, as i now have 10 wild Bee Orchids growing in my grass, who could want for more eh!A delicate flower balanced on a hand
I also have a very keen interest in wildlife. I like nothing better than finding and identifying bugs and stuff.

To keep me company when I'm here, I have a new adopted friend,
Adopted PetA barn owlHootoo

So if you would like a natter and a smiley - tea sometime, leave me a message. Bye for now. Venus.

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