A Conversation for Birthdays

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 21

Phoenician Trader

I don't mind it being written as it is. Most of the guide pretends to be world inclusive but it nearly always is oriented around the interests of the researcher who researched it (which is as it should be).

Anyway I suspect birthday traditions change even within a country and over decades. I vote for a blatently out of date by the time it is published piece.

Anyway, the Queen will send messages to people turning 100 anywhere in the Commonwealth I suspect. She certainly does in Ausrtalia.

smiley - lighthouse

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 22

Sho - employed again!

Nothing to add really except that I think mention of the Queen should reference that she's the British Queen.

In Germany birthdays for adults seem to be more significant than in other countries I've been to. Certainly even the older people in my office (late 30s and onwards) are grumpy as anything if they can't take a day off on their birthday.

We also adhere to the tradition of the birthday person bringing in cake for the whole office (and we have a little collection for them to get a present - usually a gift certificate)

In all German companies I've worked for I have been given a small bunch of flowers on my birthday. In my current place we get a certain amount to spend at Amazon and they order the present for us.

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 23


Sorry I haven't had time to get to this. I'm not ignoring you!

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 24


Lil - that Vietnamese birthdays link isn't the one I saw, but is word-for-word the same information. If you've heard the same elsewhere though, I'm inclined to include it - what do you think?

I've made a number of other changes including specifying the Queen is the British Queen. I've also added some of the information you've given me from other countries and some of you have researcher credits now as a result. Thanks very much.

Do you still think that there isn't enough information from outside the UK/the Western world?

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 25


I'm going to add in some things from the Japanese link, which is very helpful, thanks. I don't have time now as I'm at w*rk and my lunch is about to be over! smiley - sadface

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 26

Sho - employed again!

you can also link to the Dinner for One entry here

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 27


Did you notice that a new researcher (also with an entry in PR) added to the end of your EGWW thread : F14244679?thread=6844577 ?

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 28


I thought I'd linked the Dinner For One entry already. smiley - erm It must have been an external link.

nsbe, thanks for the link. I'll have a look.

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 29


A few mistakes have slipped in during editing (e.g. "Sometimes the birthday and the name day may be the same, if someone was named for the saint on whose day they were born. The advantage of this is that if you have a calendar, you can tell when a friend's *birthdayday* is, and so don't have to actually remember!"

I'm nto sure of the logic of this. Didn't it say before that you didn't have to remember saint days because they are on the calendar and thus you could wish a happy 'name day' on the basis of a name alone. In the text as stands, you still have to remember that a person was named after the saint on the day he was born. IMHO, the first version (as I remember it but I may have gone smiley - silly) was better.

Perhaps you prefer no comments while you are polishing this entry?

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 30

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Elentari, I agree. I would add it too smiley - ok

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 31


Not at all, nsbe. Keep the comments coming! I just haven't really got around to editing the more recent bits.

It made sense to me when I changed it. I can't remember what it said before, I'll have to check the Word document when I get home.

Lil - thanks, will do.

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 32


I've added in some info from the Japan link and also the Vietnam information.

I'm not sure I agree that it's too focused on certain countries - yes, there is more about some than others, but that's because I have to work with the information I am given and there's little research you can usefully do on this subject, as I have discovered.

The entry mentions birthday traditions etc from the following countries/religions:

Jehovah's Witnesses
Greece/Italy/France (namedays)
Spain (birthday song)
Australia and New Zealand

Certainly more information would be welcome but it's rather hard to come by.

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 33



the thread on post 27 here also gives some info on India. I'll take another look at the entry.

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 34

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

It seems balanced enough for me Elentari - it is a Guide entry, not a thesis smiley - laugh and you draw away from the risk of boring potential readers by just including the interesting, non-repetitive stuff.

It's looking good! smiley - ok

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 35


I added the India stuff too, just forgot to mention it!

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 36


smiley - ok The researcher is new to h2g2 and has an entry in PR. Perhaps you might consider adding his name to the researchers.

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 37


I'm actually adding a bunch of researchers now. I thought I'd just added them when I updated but I forgot (because I don't usually write collaborative entries) that you have to click the 'Set Researchers' box! I also realised that I didn't include that nugget you mentioned about 19 being the age of adulthood in Algeria, so I'll include that too. smiley - smiley

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 38


more a soggy chicken than a gold nugget smiley - biggrin. I noticed you didn't include the St Catherine stuff Toybox (and then I) mentioned, I'm only drawing your attention to it in case it's an oversight. It doesn't bother me if it doesn't go in.

Have fun

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 39


PS (OK, rather a delayed PS) Here's a source http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01209a.htm for the 'age of reason' (7), Toybox mentioned

and here http://www.raisingkids.co.uk/4_9/pri_dev02.asp the age of reason (non Catholic approach) is 4 to 7.

Again, not pushing things just trying to give a helping hand

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

A54734565 - Birthdays

Post 40

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hpe im not stepping on any toes.
i had a mate that died in his 80,s last year.why important.because.
he was born on 29th feb, a leap year, so he only had a birthday every four years.
i noticed this wasnt mentioned in the guide entry,
thought it might be something, the fact that anyone born on feb 29th a birthday every four years.
smiley - dragon jim

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