A Conversation for The pirate club

I'd like to join

Post 1

Mooing Platypus (formerly known as Gaia)

I'd like to join......
Ok, let me think of a cool pirate name.......wait....I can do this.......aaargh!!!

I will come up with one eventually! (I hope...smiley - sadface)

I'd like to join

Post 2

Researcher 168963

smiley - cool You're added to the list smiley - pirate Any activity here died long ago... pirates aren't exactly social people smiley - smiley

I'd like to join

Post 3

Mooing Platypus (formerly known as Gaia)

hmm....maybe a couple of smiley - ales would help??smiley - biggrin

I'd like to join

Post 4

Mooing Platypus (formerly known as Gaia)

ok, got a pirate name now. this is what i call myself on a couple of rpgs

Captian Blackdove

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