A Conversation for The History of the Periodic Table of the Elements

Hi Hell :-)

Post 1


Its me again - thought I'd dive in before you sent this to Peer review. And I'm not going to be critical this time, this is a nice smiley - cool article. smiley - ok

Only one little quibbly point are there not only 90 naturally ocurring elements (on earth at least)?

I know you have discounted technetium but is Promethium not artificial too?

BTW, good work on getting some chemistry into h2g2, there seems to be a really heavy bias towards fundamental physics on this site imho. Its all black holes and stuff.

Hi Hell :-)

Post 2

Dr Hell

Hey I just found THAT hidden here now... I was only looking at the PR...

Great you liked it Orcus. See you in the PR.



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