A Conversation for Nottoway Plantation, White Castle, Louisiana, USA

A545708 - Nottoway Plantation, Louisiana, USA

Post 1

Administrator-General (5+0+9)*3+0


Herein lies an entry which describes one of the major "touring plantations" of the southern United States. If you've always secretly dreamed of living the slaveholder life, this entry may be for you.

A545708 - Nottoway Plantation, Louisiana, USA

Post 2

Is mise Duncan

An interesting article.

One thing I noticed though - the paragraph:
"After the war, the master and mistress resumed residence, without the slaves but with their surviving children. 2 They survived to a ripe old age, and their descendants carried on for decades after, without having to subdivide the holdings. They did, however, have to sell them to others. "
The subject of the last bit is not obviously "holdings" as I was wondering how they were allowed to sell their descendants after the abolition of slavery.

A545708 - Nottoway Plantation, Louisiana, USA

Post 3

Administrator-General (5+0+9)*3+0

Thanks for the input; I'll clarify that bit of language in the entry.

A545708 - Nottoway Plantation, Louisiana, USA

Post 4

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Just two questions left:

It may be obvious for you, but I don't know what the plantation's business was all about. "The master had gone ... to continue farming cotton" is that to say that it's cotton that they worked on?

And it needs a para to describe what the guided tour is showing, as that is what would make visitors to become visitors in the first place.

A beautiful description of the atmosphere!

A545708 - Nottoway Plantation, Louisiana, USA

Post 5

Administrator-General (5+0+9)*3+0

Oops, I forgot I had this entry in Peer Review, and I missed these comments. I'll go update the entry.

Yes, they farmed cotton; this almost goes without saying, since cotton was *the* major cash crop for all Southern plantations. And what the tour of the house shows, is rooms of the house.

A545708 - Nottoway Plantation, Louisiana, USA

Post 6

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Yeah! Beautiful!

All it takes now is a caring Scout to appear in this thread and post a message with one or two bubbly smileys in it!

Bossel (Scout, no bubbly for another two weeks smiley - sadface )

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Post 7

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