It's Niwt's 13th birthday!!!!!

3 Conversations

Why this ISN'T just another excuse to dance in the popcorn...

It's my Dizo's thirteenth birthday and I'm holding a party! smiley - smiley
All food and drinks are on me, but if you have strange or species specific eating requirements, please bring your own. I will not be held responsible for any inexplicable or damaging events that my occur on the premises

[play suspenseful theatrical music]

Niwt's birthday is actually May the **********, but I see no reason why I shouldn't start this thing early...smiley - winkeye

In case you get bored while you're waiting for someone else to turn up, why not decide what's in these presents?...smiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - gift

not quite a CD player but it'll do

it's not a CD player but we can use our imaginations...anyway, the CD rack is here, containing at present Pachelbel's canon, Beethoven's fifth, Hey Jude, Hymme, Axel F and Magnetic Fields, Take Five...add your own.

Shorry itsh all a bit meshiiieeeeeeeeee *thud*

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