Preventing Sock Loss

2 Conversations

Most people have experienced the worrying phenomenon of 'Sock Loss'.

The main issue of this phenomenon appears to be washing a load of laundry containing an even number of socks and getting back a load containing an odd number -- both to the distress of the washer of the socks, as well as to the wearer, if they are different people.

This can indeed be worrying and the cause for much unnecessary paranoia.

But Why Does it Happen?

The major1 culprit behind this unnerving state-of-affairs is static electricity.

Built up during the drying of clothes, static electricity can be enough to pin a stray sock to the ceiling of a dryer -- concealing it from the reap -- only to be discovered in the next load where it has almost certainly changed colour or size due to excessive heat exposure and is therefore no longer a match for the first2.

What You Can Do to Protect Your Socks

  1. Pin socks together at the toe with a safety pin before sending them to the wash.

  2. Always check the ceilingand any out of sight areas in the washer (both prime sock culling areas).

  3. Never let your dog near the laundry basket.

1There being multiple possible culprits, such as dogs, outside human interference, and random loss.2It may be noted that this article theorises that an odd number of socks at the outset may be caused just as easily but the addition of a sock.

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