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The Theory and Practise of Cover-cover.

Post 21


smiley - laugh

It would be difficult to collect data, though! The only way it could happen is if people submitted threads with lots of simulposts, I think...

RhoMuNuQ smiley - smiley

The Theory and Practise of Cover-cover.

Post 22


I would have thought it was quite automatable given that the system records the time-stamp and the forum/thread/post number information. One would simply need to define how close the time-stamps have to be for simultaneity (possibly with reference to the tree structure which indicates last seen post if no data is stored on when someone started typing their post). However, it would probably not be a high priority feature. smiley - winkeye

The Theory and Practise of Cover-cover.

Post 23


"Probably"? smiley - winkeye


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The Theory and Practise of Cover-cover.

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