
2 Conversations

Teachers appear at first to be good idea, they teach youth's things!

Ther are 5 types of teachers:

1)The old one:- This teacher is old balding and can be spotted by the comb over, often likes to tell you about how the good old days were! Normally adequate strictnessnessness.
Subjects:generally science but can be anything except P.E.

2)The young one:-This one swears a bit is quite easy going and friendly and normally gay (NO OFFENCE MEAN IT JUST SEAMS TO HAPPEN!)
Often noticable by the mini metro with go faster stripes.
Subjects:Most core subjects

3)Odd ball:-This one is normally mid thirties and balding slightly, he's probably fresh out of training and he knows his stuff. Often very strict!

4)The "barf a minuet"(barf is american for vomit!):-Normally mid thirties to early forties, likes suits and practical lessons. Often gets turned-on by detention.
Subjects:D.T., art, Sometimes P.E.

4)The P.E. chappy:- Often late twenties, spikey hair, tracksuit, goatee. Enjoyes killing things and rap music, may seem your friend but is secretly into child pornography!
Subject:erm......oh...yeah! P.E.

5)The push over:- Likes long walks and can be any age. Often vertically challenged. Likes to shout but hardley gets angry.
Subjects:....OOooooH you choose!

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