A Conversation for Favourite Songs of all Time

In Pursuit Of Happiness - The Divine Comedy

Post 1

Lodestone - join the Debating Society at A643925

It's gotta be the most...

"desperately uncontollably happy"

...song ever created, so it has my vote.

Othe top favourites of mine, just to see if anyone agrees are:

David Bowie - Changes (Some profound statements there)

The Divine Comedy (again) - Queen of the South (in contast, so desperately sad and sinister) and The Drinking Song (a salute to all those who like to go out and get pissed

Madness - Ghost Train (I hate apparthide) and Our House (who else ahs sung a song about normal people in normal lives?)

And while we're at it, My Space (as the name suggests) is currently the "Song Lyrics Society" - so after voting your favourite song here, go there and vote your favourite lyric.

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In Pursuit Of Happiness - The Divine Comedy

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