Trophy Room

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These are medals that have been awarded to me, for actions above and beyond the call of duty, GodBen made them, isn't he just a darling?

The Cancer March for our Supreme Leader Jack

I marched for Jack and this lovely most handsome medal was bestowed upon me by the Great GodBen.

Masters of the Multi-VerseMasters of the Multi-Verse

The Infamous Floor Raid

I took part in the MotMV's floor raid and all I got was this lousy medal.

Team Leader

Masters of The Multi-verseMasters of The Multi-verse

The Cunning Ceiling Caper

I took part in the MotMV's ceiling raid and all I got was this lousy medal.

Team Expert

Masters of The Multi-verseMasters of The Multi-verse

Destruction of the Vogsphere

I invaded and destroyed Vogsphere and all I got was this lousy medal.

Masters of the Multi-VerseMasters of the Multi-Verse

The Great Fire of MotMV (bet you thought it was london)

I put out the great MotMV fire, at great cost to life and limb, and all I got was this lousy medal.

Masters of the Multi-VerseMasters of the Multi-Verse

Percy plays Hide and Seek

I took part in the search for Percival and all I got was this lousy medal.

Masters of the Multi-VerseMasters of the Multi-Verse

Percy Plays Hide and Seek MkII

I took part in the second search for Percival AND FOUND HIM!!!! and all I got was this lousy medal.

Masters of the Multi-VerseMasters of the Multi-Verse

My Act of Supreme Bravery

I'm a brave Troglodite who Bravely killed a penguin, that was trying to stalk our supreme leader Jack. So GB made this rather spiffing medal for me. smiley - biggrin
Bow down and worship at my feet!!!!!

Jacks Election Campagin

I bribed many people with the aid of GodBen's secret stash of cash in order to attain votes for Jack and all I got was this lousy medal.

Masters of the Multi-VerseMasters of the Multi-Verse

For making EC Laugh

smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley -

Congratulations: Cal you made EvilClaw laugh.
I award you this wonderful medal
My regards GB

smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley -

For recruiting new members

I cleverly used my position as an ACE to recruit people into the MotMV and so was awarded this medal for actions above and beyond the call of duty.

Masters of the Multi-VerseMasters of the Multi-Verse

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