A Conversation for The Mutual Admiration Social Club!

Mutual admiration

Post 1801

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

for all admirable people who can use little light A928064

please use it too!

Mutual admiration

Post 1802

Yael Smith

smiley - ok

Mutual admiration

Post 1803

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - smiley

Mutual admiration

Post 1804

Yael Smith

She'll be at the London meet? Who's she? smiley - silly

Mutual admiration

Post 1805

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


Mutual admiration

Post 1806

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh I thought it was you...smiley - sillyme.smiley - winkeye

Mutual admiration

Post 1807

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

OH!!! smiley - blush I was, yes... smiley - winkeye

Mutual admiration

Post 1808

Yael Smith

smiley - silly you...smiley - winkeye
How are you, anyway?

Mutual admiration

Post 1809

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Very jetlagged.... but I am aware enough to be able to say how refreshing it is to see so much of you online!!! You must be doing a lot of laundry.... smiley - tongueoutsmiley - silly

smiley - hug

Mutual admiration

Post 1810

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

smiley - groan

actually I think that was rather an admirable pun.smiley - ok
smiley - vampire

Mutual admiration

Post 1811

Yael Smith

Oh, no... actually, the only reason I was going online untill I started working here was when I went to my dad's to do laundry. So D, wether she realizes it or not, is right!smiley - ok
ADMIRABLE!!!smiley - cool

Mutual admiration

Post 1812

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

I think D's a secret agent and can see through the computers at what we are doing. That's why I always wear a shirt and tie here.
smiley - vampire

Mutual admiration

Post 1813

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Yes, and you always look so handsome!!! smiley - tongueout

Actually, I'm a Musemother. Mothers know all.

Mutual admiration

Post 1814

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

smiley - blush
smiley - vampire

Mutual admiration

Post 1815

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh They sure do!
smiley - hugMum
smiley - hugsmiley - blush

Mutual admiration

Post 1816


oops seem to have wandered in here by mistake smiley - blush

looks comfy though

Mutual admiration

Post 1817

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

it is comfy...thank you for posting here!

Mutual admiration

Post 1818


thanks for the err thanks!

no one will mind if i slump on this bean bag for a while then? smiley - winkeye

Mutual admiration

Post 1819

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

no.ope....it is cute to view smiley - winkeye

Mutual admiration

Post 1820


whats cute? me slumping on a bean bag? smiley - blush

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