Everybody needs something to believe in

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somtimes all they have to believe in

is theirselves.

Their family, church, military, lodge, or profession might leave
them with no moral or physical support. The only thing they can rely
on is their own imagination or exaggeration of their own abilities
or wished-for abilities.

If their children look at them and see that the superman has
no cape, then the self-made person has to make them see reason
or at least as they do. These idiots forgot what it was like for
them as a humiliated or overwhelmed child, or it's not over for them. Their childhood has continued to the point where their own children
are not allowed one because they are perceived as being part of
the conspiracy against one's uniqueity.

What is curious is that these freaks often have relatively normal wives who abandon the mothering of their children in pursuit of their lifelong dream of being a doormat for their husband.

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