A Conversation for Talentless Musicians Club


Post 41

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

No you are whats known in the industry as...a radio presenter smiley - tongueout


Post 42


Some people would see that as a put down.

Some would see that as a Zen judgement to nod sagely about.

Some would see that as career advice.


Post 43

Yael Smith

ah, Mund, the great thing here is that everybody's got the potential of being a member. Dunky and I didn't limit into humans, we believe that anyone and anything can be talently challenged. smiley - smiley
Welcome aboard!


Post 44


Elly (if I could be so bold), you didn't recognise me after my visit to Messy Haven. Must have been the tambourine I wore at a rakish angle over my head. I know it wasn't in pristine condition, but did you have to assume it was a pizza?


Post 45


Elly (if I could be so bold), you didn't recognise me after my visit to Messy Haven. Must have been the tambourine I wore at a rakish angle over my head. I know it wasn't in pristine condition, but did you have to assume it was a pizza?


Post 46

Yael Smith

I have no idea what you're talking about, but you are welcome to both Messy Have and Mutual Admiration Social Club, it'll be a pleasure seeing you there.


Post 47

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

it was fact smiley - biggrin
it was also a dig at a friend of Mine Joe who keeps lurking aound this place and wont signe up!!


Post 48

Dunky, Muse of Hangovers and Father of Abigail, Muse of Babysick

Ah ha!smiley - magicPETAL! smiley - biggrin


Post 49

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

smiley - erm


Post 50

Dunky, Muse of Hangovers and Father of Abigail, Muse of Babysick

Hello Mund, welcome to the TMC. We're all confectionary here, because we're all so sweetsmiley - smiley. In answer to your question, fruit cake


Post 51


I'm just home from a meeting of the Stockport samba group. Until a few weeks ago I had no idea that samba had taken such a hold in the northwest of England!

There are some inspired teachers around, though, who can take an inconstant group of 10-to-60-year-olds, hand out a variety of percussion instruments, show us a few simple patterns and then put them together to make some really powerful music.

Many of those present would count themselves limited in the talent department, but I think we all thoroughyl enjoyed the collective effort.


Post 52

Yael Smith

I like Samba....smiley - smiley


Post 53


I knew almost nothing about samba until I was signed up to take my son along for a drumming session. Then I could hardly sit in the car or on the sidelines, and I've been in several bad rock groups and I have a reasonable understanding of music (if not actaul ability). And I have written a novel about a drumming group with no real research at all.

So I joined in, and it was fun. I'm not yet convinced that I want to make it my lifetime hobby, but the West African/Brazilian rhythm we finished on was really powerful.


Post 54

Yael Smith

Try Bossa Nova- really good! You can't stay still when you hear that.smiley - smiley

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