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Marvin's Recording Career

Post 1


Set your way,way back machine to the early eighties, 1983 to be precise. Does anyone remember the record issued by Marvin (Stephen Lewis)? I think it was called 'Marvin' and the flip side - yes, this was before CDs - was another track called 'Metal Man' where Marvin saves a crashing space ship.

Does anyone remember these? And now, the big question... Does anyone know where I can buy these recordings? CD or mp3 or any more up-to-date medium than Vinyl.

Marvin's Recording Career

Post 2


Hi zonk00,

I can't help you with that but I've left you a welcome message on your Personal Space with an idea of how to find outsmiley - ok

Julessmiley - smiley

Marvin's Recording Career

Post 3

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I've copies of them on MP3 somewhere smiley - blush I seem to recall there are actually four songs, metal man, Marvin we love you, and another ocuple I can't rmember the names of smiley - erm I could be wrong smiley - blushsmiley - run

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