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To all whom it may concern

Post 1


With great sorrow, I received the news of the deadly bombing took place in the city of London.

The infliction have indeed grieved and afflicted me in a terrible way.

I, as a peace seeker, would like to raise and convey my sincere condolence to the families of victims, to the British government and the international community as well.

Sadly, terror does not have any boundary or limitation, but it does threat any nation and subsequently effective and preventive procedures have to be implemented and activated as soon as possible.

The extent of my pain incurred as a result of the bombing attack is indeed beyond any expectation, i find no words to describe it save INHUMANE and AGGRESSIVE action.

In addition, iam certain that the consistent tradition and sound foundation from which the British civilization derives will simultaneously play a major role in overcoming and in prevailing over the situation.
Considering myself a member of the British society; iam obliged to share my brothers in U.K such circumstances, bearing all the honesty, pride and loyalty toward GREAT BRITAIN.

My advice to the public is not to PANIC and to keep and remain vigilant as possible as they can.

Finally peace shall prevail and BRITAIN Remains GREAT.

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To all whom it may concern

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