A Conversation for Thanks for Registering with h2g2 - Welcome!

Hi what element are you?

Post 1


im just wondering what element people are. if you are not sure just read what i mean then please reply and tell me.

Earth - The steady element normally the strong silent type, is the voice of reason in an argument, level headed.

Air - The fun loving element, a great sense of humour, a prankster, always the optimist, playful.

Water - The quick tempered element, makes lots of quick decisions, hard to decide things, wise.

Fire - The stubborn element, won't hold back in a fight/argument, very loyal, when trying gives their all.

I'm fire let me know what you are.

Hi what element are you?

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hello Pyro smiley - smiley

I have just left you a message in your Personal Space, hopefully, it will help you find your way about this huge site! smiley - ok

Oh! Ummm.. I'm under the sign of Cancer the Crab.. so I am a Water Sign.

lil xx
smiley - magic

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