A Conversation for Thanks for Registering with h2g2 - Welcome!

I'm American...shall I just shut up?

Post 1


Good day everyone!

You know what I did today? While I was at work, I re-read Douglas Adams' The Salmon of Doubt (I'm not just American, I'm a HARD WORKING American, from the looks of it). I was reminded that H2G2.com exists, and here I am, for the first time.
Now what?

I'm American...shall I just shut up?

Post 2


Welcome to h2g2smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

I'm American...shall I just shut up?

Post 3


smiley - oki have left you a welcome at your page

click my space or on your name above your post to go back smiley - smiley

I'm American...shall I just shut up?

Post 4


yes welcom smiley - biggrin

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