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Why is Chocolate a BAD HABIT!? It hasn't done anything to me! Except make my skinny body happy!

Post 1


Answer my question please, people: Why is chocolate bad!?smiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - wah

Why is Chocolate a BAD HABIT!? It hasn't done anything to me! Except make my skinny body happy!

Post 2


Sorry about the skinny body part. I'm in my "conceited moment"smiley - smiley

Why is Chocolate a BAD HABIT!? It hasn't done anything to me! Except make my skinny body happy!

Post 3


Hello and welcome to h2g2 smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblyim intern one of the Aces (Assistant Community Editors)

If you ask the question again here <./>askh2g2</.> you will get some more reply's any more questions just reply to this thread im subscribed to it now smiley - ok

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Why is Chocolate a BAD HABIT!? It hasn't done anything to me! Except make my skinny body happy!

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