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Post 1


Did anyone else report the sighting on Saturday night(28th)?
I was alerted to the strange object by three youths stood oposite my driveway staring skyward as I returned home at 7-45.pm.They said look at the UFO,I told the group of youngsters that "it was a police helicopter hovering over the A140 at Scole" (South Norfolk),but after watching it myself for a good five mins I thought the pilot was too good it never swayed or rotated in the wind and was extreemly stable.I decided to video the bright illuminated object.It slowly moved higher in the sky and headed in a south easterly direction.Anyhow! I have shown it to my family and I was going to keep it to myself for fear of ridicule but the more I watch the video the more answers I need. Can anyone help explain what it was?

I will be posting a very short clip at www.van2u.com/ufo.htm just as soon as I upload one. smiley - ale


Post 2


Sorry! it's a bad start,I put the wrong link address it should be.


The video won't up load but the stills are impresive.
I need some explanations have you got any?

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