A Conversation for Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK

A good start

Post 1


A good start i look forward to reading the rest(next year*)did you know that the labour party was started in bradford and that the F A cup wa smade here.

A good start

Post 2


Ok i forgot this bit.

*Only a joke please do not take this the wrong way i know it will take you much longer**


A good start

Post 3


I can see what sort of help I'm going to get from you! smiley - nahnah

A good start

Post 4


If you need help just ask i will be happy to do what i can.

A good start

Post 5


I was talking with my mother about this subject she told me that in 1936 my grandad was the last person in the old bradford royal infirmary and the first in the new one.The result of a bike crash he was unconsious for 9 days and lost one eye.

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