A Conversation for Brainstorming Board
I've just had an idea!
Dizzy the Void Started conversation Apr 22, 2001
So, here's my idea. If the Moderators /have/ to censor an individual word, then instead of replacing it with just a bunch of bland and uninteresting asterisks, they could replace it with !@#$%&, which looks silly!
Maybe it's not quite such a good idea.
I've just had an idea!
Deidzoeb Posted Apr 22, 2001
I wonder if moderators are familiar with those silly hacker symbols, or if that 5h1+ d035n'+ m@k3 @ny 53n53 2 +h3m.
I've just had an idea!
Deidzoeb Posted Apr 23, 2001
Darn. If I explain the code, then they'll moderate the post above. Oh well, maybe no one will notice. It's easy. Just imagine every number or symbol that looks similar to a letter of the alphabet. For example, 5 would look like the letter S if you made it a little curvier. A plus sign is similar to a lowercase "T". The numeral 1 is interchangable with capital "I" or lowercase "L".
five h @ L zero m = 5h@L0m = shalom
five h one plus = 5h1+ = another word for "dung"
See the resemblance? Sort of a visual pun.
I've just had an idea!
GinTonyx - Keeper and Mixer of the Gin and Tonic, Muse of the Lemon Garden. Posted Apr 26, 2001
What would the f-word then be? Like |=vc]{?
Let's not start this. Moderation will...
Keeper and Mixer of the Gin and Tonic
Muse of the Lemon Garden
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I've just had an idea!
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