Prof. C. Tonks' Links Page

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Since the introduction of the new House Rule barring the publication of external URL's in forum posts, no one has been able to direct people to various sites, except in very cryptic ways. As this continues to be a problem, I have created here a page devoted to a list of links. Most of them will be here for people to follow after I direct them to this page from my posts, but there are others which are no directly related to various conversations.

The top section is an alphabetical list of all the sites whose products or names I refer to in posts. The second section is full of other general links which mostly help out with understanding my VR.

Conversation Links

General Links


If you want to know things about my Virtual Reality, it's best that you read up on them in the articles below. They are all links to various entries in the LoaGO DataBase on my website, and feature everything there is to know. If ever I mention something like San Beta, look it up here!

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