A Conversation for Zaphodistas' Song Contest
The Goo Blues..
taliesin Started conversation Mar 29, 2001
The [Removed by Moderator] Blues
to the tune of "There Must Be A Better World Somewhere"
(apologies to BBK!)
Sometimes I wonder just what I'm doing here.
Can't say s***t no more, surprised there still is beer.
And I keep right on talking, in this cyber space, with rules
But I know, yes I know, I got the [removed by moderator] blues.
Posting URLs; somebody wipes them out
Just because they don't understand what the web is all about
I post spitting fish~~ and smileys
, and waiting for good news
But I know, Oh, yes I know, I got the [removed by moderator] blues.
Every word I say; English only, please
Everything's copyright; too much legalese.
And every posting gets damn near torn apart
Every conversation's over before it gets a chance to start.
It ain't cool, my graphics all got tossed
I got my goo, but I feel a little lost
And everyone is so p****d off, this just won't do
OoooOOoo I got the, yes I got the [removed by moderator] blues
Talking 'bout the H2G2 overzealous moderator blues.
The Goo Blues..
taliesin Posted Mar 29, 2001
Oops, Line 7 should read:
'I post spitting fish~~ and smileys
, and wait to hear good news'
*shuffles off, muttering incoherently*
The Goo Blues..
Deidzoeb Posted Mar 30, 2001
(Maybe this should be cl*p to ensure no one learns the slang term for venereal disease?)
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The Goo Blues..
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