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Well, it's with mixed feelings that I return to my space on h2g2. Of course, I'm very pleased to be back - but like many other Researchers I am a little concerned about the few, but very significant changes which have occurred within h2g2 since its 'assimilation' within the mighty BBC Online pages.

I am, inevitably, referring to the issue of Corporate Censorship. I would like to start by saying that I completely understand why the new measures have been put in place - h2g2 is no longer a "free agent" - as far as the law is concerned, Guide content is BBC content, and the Beeb don't want to be sued over perhaps untactful, or downright provocative material, for example.

But while I understand why all these new rules are in place, I can't help but wonder if the original creativity, wide range of subject matter and opinions that gave h2g2 such appealing character will be somewhat subdued or compromised. Now, I am not saying I think this is necessarily what is going to happen - these are just my thoughts and concerns upon my return to my favourite site.

Let me elaborate a little. If all our content now belongs to the BBC, what happens if we publish information which may be disparaging other companies, say? For example, if I wrote an - unedited and unsubmitted - entry on why I would discourage people from eating at McDonalds, would the entry be removed because McDonalds would get miffed and start threatening the Beeb with legal action? If you think about it, this could have deep-rooted effects on all Guide content. Now I am well aware that there has always been a level of, shall we say, manditory discretion on h2g2 - and rightly so. I certainly don't want h2g2 being sued for libel - but I would like to see the full implications of censorship and the Guide cleary explained so that we don't go accidentally 'creating unccessary problems' or whatever.

On a more positive note, I am pleased to see all purely commercial links removed - another great thing about the BBC is the lack of advertising. Continuing on the corporate censorship theme, however (oh, maybe this isn't quite so positive, then!), I am sadenned - nay, fairly disgruntled - to find that we cannot link to external sites IN FORUMS! I mean, what's that about?! Sure, I can understand the Beeb not wanting us to link to "unsuitible" sites, but I can't remember that ever happening before. I suppose I should be taking into consideration that h2g2 will be accessed by MANY more people than before - not all of them may be as diplomatic as the vast majority of the existing community, and that these measures needed to be taken top prevent h2g2 from turning into someting like the Yahoo! community1.

So it is with quiet reservation that I return to h2g2, waiting for the reaction of all the non-'tester' Researchers when the site goes public once more - or, in some ways, for the first time. Soon, I suspect, people won't just say "what's that?" and look bemused when I tell them I'm a Researcher on h2g2.


Don't think I haven't noticed you poaching links off my page, moderators. You might be removing them a few at a time - some of them quite wrongly ( is uncommercial, for example) - but I can still tell. STOP IT!

While I am happy to abide by the wishes of TPTB and, suffice to say, The Moderators, I am NOT pleased by the apparent inconsistencies in moderation - this, after all, is not a forum but my User Space, and I have been careful to abide by the House Rules.




Inspired by my Pipey friend, I have decided to reactivate one of my original Unedited Guide Entries - The Quest for a Free Lunch. It's supposed to be a collection of practical, sneaky ideas on how to get a free meal - if you have any ideas, please let me know and I will add them to the page.


Thanks to the ever observant Wowbagger

It's just so true.


Hooray!! I've finished my exams, which means I have a little more time to Do Things. (But only a little, mind. There are people who makes sure I don't have too much.) One thing I intend to be focusing on, apart from practicing with my assorted bands, is work on an idea I've had for a while - an online magazine that skeptisises consumer culture. To find out how I'm progressing, have a look here. If you're even vaguely interested in helping out or have any comments about what's happened so far, please do not hesitate to let me know.


Wo Ist Herr T?

Translation: Where is Mr T?

Quite simply, I feel that I have been smiley - online2long. I recently started a full-time job which means using a computer solidly for eight hours a day. "Not much change there then!" you might be thinking. Well, you cheeky gimp, actually it is a change, and not one that my dear little tendons can take 'no more'. They've started a 'pain rebellion' after being forced to work all day with their mouse-clicking and their key-tapping only to return home for more of the same. I have decided to succumb to their demands, if only for a week.

This can't be a bad thing as perhaps it will give me a chance to "rediscover myself", or at least read more books and do something that doesn't involve typing or clicking - like playing the drums. We'll be rehearsing and recording in the evenings at the end of next week anyway - with a trumpet, too! Yey!

So if anyone other than me is actually reading this (which let's face it is unlikely) I'll see you next week. And if I'm reading this, well, I'll see me around too.

Oh b*gger. I've just realised. Exam results on Thursday! Okay, so I'll be online sometime around then to find out how people have done and tell them by how much I have failed to get into University. And I might have to come back to do some Scout picks, too...

I will still be checking my email, so if anyone suddenly has anything important to say, just mail it to me at the usual address (no death threats, please).

'Normal' Service will be resumed as of Monday 21st August2.

1Am i even allowed to say that now?2By that time you might have read to the bottom of this page. Nah...

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