A Conversation for Word Gymnastics!

Hanging man

Post 1281

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx


Hanging man

Post 1282

puzzlella (playing word games, solving puzzles)


Hanging man

Post 1283



Hanging man

Post 1284

Researcher 234607

smiley - biggrinP malo korrigan
smiley - biggrinT puzzler
smiley - biggrinS toy box

smiley - sadfaceM malo korrigan

_ _ S P _ T _ _ _ S _ _

Hanging man

Post 1285

Platypus 2


Hanging man

Post 1286

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

O ?

Hanging man

Post 1287

Researcher 234607

smiley - biggrinP malo korrigan
smiley - biggrinT puzzler
smiley - biggrinS toybox
smiley - biggrinO midnight angel

smiley - sadfaceM malo korrigan
smiley - sadfaceR platypus

_ O S P _ T _ _ _ S _ _

Hanging man

Post 1288

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

U ?

Hanging man

Post 1289

Researcher 234607

smiley - biggrinP malo korrigan
smiley - biggrinT puzzler
smiley - biggrinS toybox
smiley - biggrinO midnight angel

smiley - sadfaceM malo korrigan
smiley - sadfaceR platypus
smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfaceU midnight angel (aparantly 2 guesses for a vowel lol)

_ O S P _ T _ _ _ S _ _

Hanging man

Post 1290

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

smiley - grr
are the rulkes made up as we go alongsmiley - laugh

smiley - ok fai enough


Hanging man

Post 1291

Researcher 234607

nope but tahts what i was told about vowels so smiley - nahnahsmiley - laugh

smiley - biggrinP malo korrigan
smiley - biggrinT puzzler
smiley - biggrinS toybox
smiley - biggrinO midnight angel
smiley - biggrinL midnight angel

smiley - sadfaceM malo korrigan
smiley - sadfaceR platypus
smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfaceU midnight angel

_ O S P _ T _ L _ S _ _

Hanging man

Post 1292

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

HOSPITALISED is what i would say.

BUT if it is its actually spely HOSPITALIZED

so may be im not right but my guess is it is.smiley - nahnahsmiley - biggrin

Hanging man

Post 1293


There's a set of rules there F64293?thread=142843&skip=260&show=20#p2866866 (possibly not the latest, though, but it is referred to vowels counting as two guesses).

Besides, I think that "...IZED" is American spelling and "...ISED" British spelling, so HOSPITALISED would be correct (as would be HOSPITALIZED).

Hanging man

Post 1294

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

smiley - cheers Toybox
i actually did check the spelling in the dictionary as always asumed its with a Z im british and have a british dictionary it was only spelt with the Z no S smiley - smiley

Hanging man

Post 1295

puzzlella (playing word games, solving puzzles)

smiley - 2cents My dictionary only gives it with a z which I find very surprising. Perhaps it is a word which we have imported from America. In the past people were admitted to hospital and then discharged. Nowadays they seem to be hospitalized and then released. How language changes!

Hanging man

Post 1296

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

smiley - ta Puzzler.
yeh it is strange,Now the english language is now confuseing the english.smiley - biggrin

Hanging man

Post 1297


Well, I'd say I'm not too reliable on these matters though. Chambers online seems to accept both versions (though pretends not to find the word if you look for "hospitalise" smiley - silly)

Hanging man

Post 1298

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

smiley - biggrin

Hanging man

Post 1299

Researcher 234607

midnight is the winner...HOSPITALIS(Z)ED is the correct answer!! smiley - biggrin

midnight angel starts the next game smiley - magic

Hanging man

Post 1300

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

woohoooo nice onesmiley - magicsmiley - biggrin

- - - - -/- - - -

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