A Day Walking through Paris

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Ok say you can afford to get to Paris but spend most of your money doing so how can you spend your remaining little bits of currency you have left.

Upon Arrival at the Gare De Nord

If you have arrived by Eurostar from Waterloo, or by a train from Charles De Gaulle Airport you will invariably come into Gare De Nord. Which is just as well as one of the best places to veiw Paris from is just a short walk away. You will see the white Basilica of the Sacre Coeur as you trundle in to the station and even if you cannot afford a map the one thing you will know is that it is up hill from the station. and to your right as you pull in. You will not be able to see it and spot it until you are really close as the buildings in this part of Paris are really tall, but keep heading up and you will find youself at the bottom of one of the sets of steps that lead up to the front portico of the church.

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