Bands in Oxford

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Oxford has become well known for its bands, with bands like Radiohead and Supergrass getting a lot of good press. There's also a lot going on in the local scene.

The Big Bands

These are the bands that people all over the UK and possibly the world are likely to have heard of. They get played on the radio, and are written about in the national press.

Radiohead - Recently released their 4th album Kid A which saw them moving further away from their earlier, more guitar based sound. Their previous albums are Pablo Honey (most famous for the song 'Creep'), The Bends and Ok Computer. The band all still live in Oxford, and are playing a charity concert on the 7th July 2001 at South Parks in Oxford.

Supergrass - Not as successful or critically acclaimed as Radiohead, but for people who are under 22, and who had their biggest hit when they were 17, they're also pretty good.

The Local Bands

Those are the main ones that people outside of Oxford will have heard of. Smaller local bands, who are on the way up include:

The Rock of Travolta (TROT) - VERY powerful live sound, doesn't quite come accross on their first album. Post-rock, with lots of bass.

Meanwhile back in Communist Russia (MBICR) - Also post-rock, but with sequenced drums not live ones. Very good. Have had their single played on John Peel's radio 1 show recently.

The Klyvz1 - Similar to both of the above, but with sampled drum-loops instead of sequenced ones. Melody Maker 'Single of the Week' with their first single 'Saturday'2

1'The Klyvz' is pronounced the same as the name 'Clive'2I should point out that I am in 'The Klyvz' - I'll try not to let it effect my judgement..!

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