I don't know anything about Art, but I know his brother Dwight...

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Creativity was supposed to be something that they encouraged in the schools

In the end, all they did was try to poop out either workmen or managers.

Now it goes without saying that...

Art of a governmentally-approved nature is not art. It is bribery.

It is simply amazing the number of anti-establishment "artists" who have ended up paying a lot of taxes from their unorthodox gains and who champion the very apparatus that allowed them to seem odd and still make a few pounds per consumer.

When parents stop admiring the children's crayoned drawings of matchstick men and start trying to get the kid to grow up and have sense of responsibility, then they lose their usefulness as a parent. Parents are supposed to be mentors and patrons. They are supposed to encourage experimentation because it is not likely to happen at school. Nor at work. Definitely not in the military.

Now, it is possible, if everyone encouraged and supported evey local artist, no matter how mad, then they would have less time to support and fund the same short-listed idiots everybody else does. You don't need a poet laureate if you are busy scribbling your own dreck and foisting it on your relatives.

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