Of fish and worms

7 Conversations

I had this dream a few nights back; it was a little more weird than usual, and I haven't been able to forget it. It seems so full of symbolism, that I'll throw it out there and see if anyone wanted to try their hand at some dream-interpretation. Don't be shy! So you have no idea about the meaning of dreams? Just make it up! As long as it sounds plausible, or at the very least, makes a good story, I'd love to hear it!!!!

The Dream... smiley - magic

I had a fish I wanted to eat (quite dead), but for some reason, the school (at this stage of the dream, it was MY school, I think, although it's been YEARS since I've been at school) wanted to put it on display as part of a fĂȘte or something they had, so I said they could, as long as they put it in the fridge.

I got the fish back, and my mother threw it on the front lawn of her (in the dream, our house), and after that, I picked it up, ready to eat it.

At this point, the fish was covered by another fish, completely camoflaged against MY fish's skin, and I peeled it off and threw it away. Next thing I see is a worm underneath the fish I'd just peeled off, exactly the same size as the fish, lying over it, once again camoflaged (this was one big FAT worm) so I peeled THAT off, and threw it away too.

Finally, my fish was ready to eat. I started biting into it, and then I noticed a tiny hole in my fish, and a small black worm wriggling through it. Once again, I fished it out and threw it away. I started eating again, only to find ANOTHER little black worm wriggling through a hole in it, and once again, threw it away.

It was at THIS point (and only now smiley - erm) that I decided to have words with someone about my fish; and I went to complain to the school. There I met up with my final year history teacher, who pointed me to the principal, but she was actually the principal of my son's school, and not the principal I had when I was at school. It all made sense in that seamless way dreams do. She was the woman I was after, because I also wanted to talk to her about some (real life) issues my son was having at school.

And then, just when you'd think this was all reaching a climax, I woke up. smiley - erm

More dreams smiley - flyhi

...will be added to forums on this page, so if you'd like to interpret them, keep an eye out!

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