A Conversation for 'History is Everything' the Big Bang Theory Theme Lyrics Explained for Non-Geeks WIP


Post 1


Good job, overall!

But... of course... I think you've erred in the line "the autotrophs began to drool."

To me, the lyrics sound much, much MORE like "the allotrophs began to drool."

The latter term also makes about 10,000% more sense, since:
* Autotrophs are organisms that specifically do NOT get their
energy, their sustenance, from other beings; and,
* Allotrophs are the vast majority of other organisms (including
all vertebrates) that get their energy by consuming other

Allotrophs are drooling more or less constantly, and, observing the life around them, they have much stimulation to do so; but I can't imagine a situation in which an autotroph might drool.

An autotroph might, like a typical house cat, enjoy a sunny window, yet it would hardly be capable of drooling, no matter how stimulated it might be (and it's in no danger of going blind).

My final point is context. Allotrophs are a much better midpoint/jumping point between a cooling earth (with no life at all) and an earth with intelligent hominids. Life that lives on life is, again, a much better touch point between these two bounds than is algae.

I agree with you that this is a very, very clever, well-written, [and downright "catchy"] song. I applaud its writer(s), and also the song's selection by the creators/producers of The Big Bang Theory [who scarcely need any kudos on this matter; they've done such a great job on so many levels [unlike Leonard at 3D chess -- according to Sheldon] that all this song brouhaha seems silly.

Still, it's a wonderful (AND interesting) song; it would be even if it WEREN'T the TBBC theme song; and I am so, so glad that it IS,

Thanks again for your efforts.

= = = = =

Hearing "allo" as "auto" is not a big deal. Don't let it bother you; we've all mis-heard song lyrics... When I got my 1987 Mitsu Galant (a quiet car with a 13-band equalizer), I heard lyrics that I thought would NEVER be understandable. In fact... I may be the ONLY living person to know ALL of the original lyrics to "Louie, Louie".

Best regards,


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