The Re-Launch Banquet Menu
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002

All dishes are available in any order and quantity you wish. Simply ask the nearest penguin for your choice, or press the blue button on the underside of the table by your seat and select from the holographic menu that appears.
For all dishes containing plain chocolate, you may optionally specify the percentage of cocoa solids in the chocolate used. For all dishes containing milk chocolate, you can specify the creaminess. All our chocolate is sourced from the finest chocolate manufacturers in the world. Many of them are of course found in Belgium and Switzerland.
Health Warning
Even looking at this menu may be enough to add inches or even feet to your waistline. The management is not responsible for any obesity that may result from eating any items on this menu.
The Menu
- Slab of chocolate - milk, white or plain
- Mug of melted chocolate - milk, white, plain or a mixture
- Fruit chunks dipped in a thick coating of chocolate
- Absolutely wicked chocolate ice cream - served with cream and chocolate syrup, and lots of chocolate wafers
- The largest and most chocolatey chocolate mousse ever made
- Chocolate animals - tell us your favourite (or most hated) animal and we'll make a plateful of them out of your choice of chocolate.
- Chocolate people - ditto, but for people.
- Chocolate buildings - guess what these are...
- Chocolate
- Chocolate chip cookies - normal, double or triple
- Chocolate pudding - served with hot chocolate sauce
- Chocolate donuts - served with hot chocolate sauce, chocolate syrup, cream and chocolate ice cream
- Chocolate fondue
- Chocolate fudge cake
- Chocolates of various sorts - please ask a penguin for your favourite kind.
Side Orders
- Fresh cream - whipped, single, double, sour or however else you like it.
- Ice cream
- Brandy snaps
All beverages are available. Please ask a penguin for your favourite and we will endeavour to obtain it for you as quickly as we possibly can.