A Conversation for Shashtars and Dhambouras (UG)

Shashtars and Dhambouras (UG)

Post 1

Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller

Well well, I'd forgotten about this piece and it's inclusion in the post.
I'd forgotten how happy I was to see it selected and the help that I was offered by the AWW and the Scouts and Polishers on a couple of small points in the descriptive's here.

A poem about Kabul and by default Afghanistan, and the once beautiful gardens of the first Mughal emperor (Babur whose loins would let forth the genes that eventually produced the instigator of the Taj Mahal) as a backdrop to a woman who begged on this major thoroughfare and she suffered verbal and physical abuse and I tried to also show that some people( by inference these would be men) who "felt for her sex", a twofold meaning.

Thanks to the Post and the UG for popping this back up again smiley - cheers

Shashtars and Dhambouras (UG)

Post 2

Mrs Zen

And again....

You may not be aware of this - no reason why you should be - but some researchers are putting together a collection of some of the best that h2g2 has to offer to help publicise the site, the community and what goes on here. It's one of the things that the h2g2 Community Consortium is doing to try to ensure the future of the site.

I would very much like to include this, if I may. We need your permission because we are not the BBC.

Please let me know.


PS - how can you FORGET writing something that good? Not fair! smiley - wah

Shashtars and Dhambouras (UG)

Post 3

Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller

Oh dear, I've left this rather late haven't I and I do apologise Ben. For what it's worth you can do with this whatever you wish. smiley - smiley

Shashtars and Dhambouras (UG)

Post 4

Mrs Zen

smiley - somersault

The book did its job which was to impress relevant folk with the quality and diversity of writing on h2g2. And I've high hopes for reviving it in another form.

So thank you very much, it's hugely appreciated.

Updates in what's been going on here are on A85834173 and the convos linked from it, if you want to catch up with the news.


Shashtars and Dhambouras (UG)

Post 5

Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller

Ta very muchly for the link Ben, I have indeed a lot to catch up on. I never knew all this was going on, I've been holed up blogging away about the County Cricket and have been remiss with my hoo too-ing...time to change all that I think.
smiley - ok

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