My funny poem

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You want me to be funny? Well

That's really not my style!

I'd rather eat a plate of worms

or run a freakin' mile

I'm not the next T Prachett

or our much-missed DNA

so I'll scribble down some doggerel

and hope it rhymes OK

Perhaps I'll write that sitcom

That's been simmering a while

It's called "Now who'd she marry?"

Guaranteed to raise a smile!

But a screenplay's far too tricky

without some AViation

I need to write what can be read

on any PC station

My fellow stretcherinos

are talented and clever

but I'm still waiting for my Muse

I could be here forever!

My nephew's goats are funny

perhaps I'll be inspired

What gets my goat - a goatherd!

One-liners, quickly fired

Could be my source material

If only I could recall

The funny ones I heard last week

On a radio comedy sequel

What's a Hindu? Lays eggs.

My dog's got no nose

How does he smell? Terrible!

I need some more like those.

Velcro-what a rip-off!

I'm a kleptomaniac

But I'm taking something for it

As we say here "Thon's quare crack!"

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