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Some people think that a dragonfly is cute. Where I come from the concept cute could not apply. Awesome maybe. Beautiful, perhaps, or even scary. But not, definitely not, cute.

They are so BIG where I live. Once they were endangered because their habitat was being cultivated but we didn't want to lose these beautiful animals and have various sactuaries around the world where they are preserved and can life in relative harmony.

These dragonflies of which I speak, more closely resemble the dragons of your mythology than the insects which bear this name. The greatest difference is in the size. Their heads are the size of a small deer and they are vegetarian in nature. Six feet are arranged evenly along a smooth body which can be brilliant blue, green or copper. In the irridescent colours they are like your dragonflies but are a couple of meters in length. Some of the larger, older males can reach three meters in height.The wings are massive and transparent. They are really quite a sight to behold and indeed people travel long distances in my world just to do this - a kind of pilgrimage during the spring and summer when they come together for their spectacular dragonfly mating rituals. I went on one last year and will never ever forget the spectacle that these glorious animals made.

Now I'm a visitor in your world for a short time, taking note of your culture and society. It is so different from my own that it all feels very alien and I don't suppose I will ever understand this kareoke phenomenon in which you indulge. (Why would you want to do this? Is it really entertainment to you?) Anyway, it was in acquainting myself with your insects that I found out about your dragonflies and it gave me quite a surprise to find an insect with the same name as the beautiful animals at home.

I am due to go home in a couple of days and have taken pictures of your wildlife, including the dragonfly to show to my people. Perhaps in time we will be allowed to do some kind of exchange programme where some of your people can come to our world and I would love to show you then our wonderful dragonflies. But that is in the future. I am the first from my world and my planet's decision on my research of your Earth and species will decide if others will follow my lead and any subsequent action to be taken. I must say it has been interesting and informative but I might purposely omit the research on the karaoke though.

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