Wolves - Flea Market

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Wolves are four legged creatures with a snout, a tail, two pointy ears, and a great love of howling. On average, a wolf is from four feet to six feet long, snout to tail, and about two feet high from their shoulders.

The species of wolves are actually the predecessors of dogs; however wolves have a few crucial differences from dogs. Some obvious differences between a wolf and a dog is that a wolf’s jaw is significantly larger than a normal dog, most dogs tail tend to curve up in a c shape while a wolf’s tail is usually erect, and a wolf is anything but domesticated.

Strong aspects of wolves:
They have a very strong sense of smell, can run for a really long time without tiring, are exceptionally smart animals, and have jaws that can crush bone.

Weak aspects of wolves:

Their sense of taste is seriously lacking, they are color blind, and they have to carry things in their jaws since they don’t have opposable thumbs.

As for wolf species, they are currently three known species: the grey wolf, the red wolf, and the Ethiopian wolf, which many researchers actually believe to be a species of jackal.

Wolves tend to live in highly structured social groups called packs, usually consisting of a pair of alpha members, a male and a female, and their offspring. They are highly intelligent animals with highly developed facial muscles, compared to other canines, which help them communicate with one another. Together a wolf pack can bring down very large animals, such as an adult caribou.

For as long as humans have been around and decided that it might be a good idea to kill other animals and eat them, humans have had a rivalry with wolves. This has spawned numerous stories depicting wolves as killers and liars, the most well-known being the story of Little Red Ridding Hood, the story of a near-sighted, ditsy, little girl who couldn’t even tell that a cross-dressing wolf was impersonating her grandma.

The actual truth about wolves is that they’ve learned a long time ago to not to interact with humans, and most actively avoid them. However, this does not mean a wolf will not attack a human. If you believe that just the fact that you’re a hairless biped makes you a tough hombre, try walking through the woods alone, with a broken leg, and a bloody arm.

Wolves will avoid humans most of the time, yes, but please, don’t walk around with the equivalent of a large neon sign that says “ALL YOU CAN EAT!”

Wolves are also very good parents, tending to their yearly litter as best as they can, both parents regularly regurgitate their meal for their young to feast upon.

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