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The conversation didn't make much sense. But so much of bureaucracy these days didn't. It was all down to number punching and conditioned responses. But her intention was good and she decided that she didn't want to stumble at the first hurdle. She just wanted to have a cute cat to keep her company in her mature years. But now with all the animal welfare regulations, it was by no means easy to acquire a pet. Gone were the days when you could pick up a kitten from the local farm or animal sanctuary. She supposed that it was good that animals were cared for now.

The only problem was that there were so few of them. The population had grown exponentially over the past three decades and there was little room for people, let alone animals. Algae was now the key to sustenence.

She sighed. She had filled in all the forms to adopt a kitten and one was now available for her. Next she would have to have her accommodation inspected to see that it would be safe for the wee animal. She had checked time and again that there was nothing harmful in the environment.

The message said the inspector would be over this afternoon. But nobody arrived and she had phoned them. This was where the conversation that didn't make sense came in. It was just a load of numbers. She presumed this had something to do with the queuing system.

It was only later that she realised that the numbers related to her date of birth (they were in reverse order for some reason so didn't make any sense initially). Piecing it carefully together she realised that she was too old to adopt a cat as she turned 40 next week.

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