Did I mention I live in hell?

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Though it is much better than it was thirty years ago,

mostly because the world has succeeded in making me as numb as possible,

with the help of the alcohol and tobacco industries, I still suffer from an extreme sensitivity to light, sound, touch, and smell.

I have been made fun of, punished, accused of faking and just generally being a whiny big baby. I'm sorry people, but when six foot, 2 1/2 inches tall, 240lb big whiny baby tells you something, it might be to your benefit to listen.

I see things that other people don't. I draw things they can't figure out why anyone would want to see. I hear things. I make recordings of music that makes them say,"What the hell is that?"

I am alone. I spend my days with an unringing phone. I log onto my computer to find no messages. Then I get up, take a shower, pull on my uniform shirt and go to work. There I am surrounded by people, none of whom know me, and quite a few who would not miss me if I were gone.

I am a touchy-feely kinda guy and my cat is the only one who wants to be touched.

My child, my dog and my ex live in another county now. I haven't seen my daughter in a month.

I work nights and sleep days. The world wanders around me and makes loud noises and stares at my house and wonders who lives there and why doesn't he paint it. At my job I get to see thousands of people going places. I go to work and then I go home.

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